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In any building or refurbishment project, specific tasks must be completed in a particular order. Therefore, flexibility is key to ensuring the job is done correctly. For example, on a domestic scale, painting walls before plastering them would be a waste of time. Epoxy flooring is one of the linchpins in the timeline when it comes to construction. Once the floor surface is prepared (shot blasted or diamond grinded) it cannot be walked on. Or, it will be re-contaminated. Likewise, as the epoxy resin has started to be put down, any dust or debris created by any other activity in the same vicinity will ruin the finish of the floor. For instance, drilling walls or ceilings, sweeping, moving through doorways etc. Therefore, it is paramount that the flooring is scheduled for the correct time of the building/refurbishment timeline.

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Flexibility Is A Key Priority


As an industrial flooring contractor, one of the key priorities from the client’s point of view is flexibility. What this means having the ability to juggle dates and work around other things going on onsite. Furthermore, even with all the best intentions building/ refurbishment can be delayed. For example, materials may not be available or there may be unforeseen issues. So, when you are one of the later on-site trades, you must prepare to accommodate a changeable schedule.

Benniman Construction Ltd – Engineering and Manufacturing Flooring


A Long-time client: Benniman Construction Ltd, called PSC Flooring. They needed a new epoxy resin flooring system installed into a new warehouse/production plant. Furthermore, the building was a 3,700 square metre facility. A world-leading manufacturer of filtration products, Barton Firtop, used this building on their newly acquired 3.6-acre site on Silverwoods Way, Kidderminster.

Firstly, the new 3000 square metres concrete slab required shot blasting as part of the preparation. We gave the entire area a light shot blast using a totally enclosed ride-on shot blasting machine. We then prepared all edges using a handheld diamond grinder. To remove all residues and dust, we vacuumed the area clean. Then, to prevent moisture from rising from the newly laid concrete slab, we installed two coats of Resdev Pumaprime DPM epoxy primer. As per the client’s requirements, we then divided the 3000 square meter area into sections and applied two coats of Resdev Pumatect high-build epoxy resin in the client’s chosen colour scheme: light grey and safety red.

‘Flexible and Accommodating’

At a 10 day completion rate, we met the timescale set by the client for the entire job. Therefore, despite issues with access (we were not able to get on-site for half a day), the PSC Team finished the job on time. In addition, it was on spec and on budget and we worked around the other skilled trades on site. Our flexibility was key in order to achieve these results. Also, Matthew Chalkley the Procurement Manager of Benniman Construction Ltd commented “PSC were extremely accommodating to fit in with our tight schedule, the Barton Firtop project has included a multitude of skilled trades and PSC being able to be flexible and accommodating to the tight changeable schedule.”

Contact Us Today at PSC Flooring Ltd

Here at PSC Flooring, we feel that flexibility is a key priority to having a happy client. If you would like some advice or help with any other product or service we offer, then call now on 01562 702047.

Furthermore, if you’ve found this blog useful, you may wish to read our previous blogs: Engineering and Manufacturing Flooring Experts or Safe and Hygienic Food Grade Flooring

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Call: 01562 702047