Reynolds of Rushock Ltd, a prestigious vehicle body repair company trading in Worcestershire since 1976, contacted industrial flooring contractors PSC Flooring Limited to quote for refurbishing the floor area of their very busy paint shop.
Reynolds Ltd is an exceptionally modern motor body repair facility, packed with the very latest equipment for the safe and perfect repair of all types of bodywork damage to all makes of vehicle. The busy body shop boasts three spray booths which are in constant use; each with the facility to cleanse the air inside continuously, to ensure no dust inclusions in the final paint finish. With this in mind, the client specification for the final floor covering was:

Before – old and damaged flooring
- Attractive
- Hygienic and easy to clean
- Hard Wearing and Durable
- Scratch resistant
- Chemical and oil resistant
- High traffic – production area
- Quick turnaround time – minimising downtime
Industrial Floor Paint Suppliers PSC – Fast Track Solution
Conscious of the need for minimising the shut down period of this very busy workshop, it was recommended to install a nominal 7mm cementitious screed, with 3 coats of high build epoxy resin to the 458 sq meter area. Cementitious screeds are a fast-track solution to ensuring flooring is fit-for-use as soon as possible. The rapid hardening system provides a fast, self-smoothing compound of cementitious flooring that is ideally used for renovating floors, which are either damaged or have deteriorated over time.
Preparation makes perfect
Preparation of the floor area is extremely important when carrying out repairs as any imperfections will not only show through in the finial finish but also could cause the final finish to de-bond. In this case preparation of the damaged floor area included removal of all failed floor paint, cleaning the area with a heavy shotblasting method and then diamond grinding the floor surface to total floor area. At this point repair of any localised damage was carried out to the concrete, holes and cracks using an epoxy mortar compound and resin filler, and a 10mm x 10mm channel was cut to the perimeter of the floor area in order to toe in screed.
After preparation of the area an epoxy resin primer with quartz aggregate was applied before machine pumping a nominal 7mm heavy duty Cemflow Toppin Cementitious screed to area. Followed by a coat of high build epoxy resin WD primer and finished with a further two coats of high build, epoxy resin flooring system in an attractive grey and yellow colour.
As well as the resurfacing of the main paint shop area, a further 90 square meter area by the busy office entrance required additional work to remove failed concrete and repair. After preparation, this area received a cementitious base screed with a saw cut 6mm x 6mm channel expansion joint and was finished with two coats of high build, epoxy resin making it again fit for purpose.
Finishing touches
In a busy workshop such as this the finishing touches can make all the difference. In this case to ensure HSE regulations were met a 75mm wide high build epoxy resin demarcation line was applied around 5 pit areas. The highly visible safety yellow demarcation lines ensure awareness for staff members of pit falls such as in this case a dramatic change in level.
Back up and running again to full capacity in just a few days ensured the client was happy not only with the floor finish but also the minimising of down time and hence protecting the company’s revenue stream.
Mr. Paul Reynolds, Managing Director of Reynolds of Rushock Ltd said “We operate an open door policy to our clients and hence the floor covering is not only important for production and health and safety of our staff but also how we present our business. Protective surface coatings have done a fantastic job, within the lead-times they promised. ”
If you would like more information about any of our industrial floor paints and surface coatings including our epoxy resin flooring then please don’t hesitate to give us a call at PSC Flooring on 01562 702047 and one of our team will be happy to arrange your free site survey.
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